Saturday, January 29, 2011

What we have come to and it's all thanks to AubrieAnne!

I'd like to say to everyone, thank you for following this Blog. Moana and I are so happy to have reached this many followers in this amount of time! I'd like to thank AubrieAnne for her fantastic assistance by putting Moana and I on her blogspot - she is a wonderful gal. I'd also like to share our Follower's blogspots so you too can enjoy their clever, crafty posts.

Followers so far

And there is more to come


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for listing me as a follower. Here is my blog address:

    Wishing you continued blog success and a good weekend!

  2. Thank you gor your blogspot address. I will definietly become a follower.

  3. Awww! I love you guys! It really was no trouble and I am completely excited to see that you did recieve so many followers in such a short amount of time. It's absolutely wonderful. :)

  4. Thank you AubrieAnne! I hope to see some more followers!
